Monday, December 24, 2012

  • Post at least three consequences of your experience being a part of a caring, collaborative learning community for your professional growth and development. Use any format you choose.

  • Post one goal for using this collegial experience to enhance your advocacy, policy, and/or system development worn mk on behalf of young children, families, and the early childhood community.
  • Some consequeces of my experience in being part of a caring collaborating learning community is

    1. Provide high quality care
    2. provide comfort to family and children I work with.
    3. Use my knowledge of ECE education to help a child learn in a way that is best for them. 

    My goal for advocacy is to always stand up for what I believe it. Even if I do not have a lot of support. Even if it is something small. If it will help someone then it is worth it.

    Sunday, December 9, 2012

    Pregnant Woman Sleeping
    My Hypothetical Family


    I am a Mother of two, with one on the way.  I am married to my college sweet heart.  He is a teacher, and I  own a boutique in the small town where we live. Our children are two years old and 4 ½.  Both of my children are developing normal for their age.  I went through all of the normal testing that needs to be done when you are pregnant, and my results came back with an increased risk that my child would be born with Down syndrome. These results are not for sure positive and the only way to know more information is by getting an amniocentesis done. This is worrisome to me because it could jeopardize the health of the baby, and could possibly lead to a miscarriage.

    his is just a little bit of insight into hypothetical family. I am currently doing more research on the topic and hope to add a lot more detail about down syndrome and the testing for it. I chose to do research this topic more because when I was pregnant with my son I chose to not have any testing done at all. I did not want to know if there was something wrong with my baby. I did have ultrasounds and that should normal development, but I would not go any further.  I knew that no matter what I wanted to have him, and I did not want to worry about what could be wrong with him. Luckily he is perfect.

    Sunday, December 2, 2012

    Early Childhood Systems

    Over the last five week I have learned a lot of information regarding public policy, and the policies that influence early childhood education.  I feel like it is important to know as much as possible about the policies that are influencing this field, not only throughout the U.S. but also in your own state. In New York, they are currently trying to introduce a new quality rating and improvement system called QualitystarsNY.   QualitystarsNY is a program that NYS daycares are eligible for if they follow their standards, and they will guide programs to achieve these standards.  Each childcare organization that wants to participate in this program will receive a Qualitystar rating. This rating will become a guideline to parents and other early childhood professionals about the quality of the program they are seeking.  The Qualitystar rating that the center receives will become public knowledge making it a great resource for parents searching for the best quality daycare in their area. As of last year they started implementing this program in a number of centers as “tests”.  They are proven to be successful and now early childcare facilities can apply to begin the process of the QualitystarsNY program.

    What I like about this program is that it is raising the bar for high quality early childhood education. Making better standards to achieve, and if you achieve these standards your center will benefit.  This is a new program here in NY , and I really hope it takes off and more centers see the benefits in this program and chose to do it. It is similar to accreditation, but from what I researched it is goes above and beyond accreditation, and is actually a better rating system.

    Here is the website on the QualitystarsNY program.

    Does anyone know of another programs like this, either in your state or another?
    Share one or more strategies you have discovered as you worked on the assignments in this course, and particularly this week, that are currently being used by advocates or organizations to influence the political will toward improving early childhood systems in order to foster the well-being of young children and their families.

     One strategy that I learned this week after doing this assignment is how vital research is in this field.  After reading many different articles this week on the effectiveness of play in early childhood education, I realized how important research can be. I am glad to see this because I feel that this is a big step in improving early childhood education.  I think it is best for the child to learn through play and experiences from birth to 5, and beyond.  This research will hopefully effect future decisions in regard to ECE.

    Sunday, November 18, 2012

    In my opinion one of the key components to a child’s success is parent involvement. When parents are active in their child’s education, and collaborate with teachers and administration, they are showing their child that they care. They are then able to learn from teachers and staff about areas of improvements or goals that the teacher may have for the child.  When both parents and teachers are on board the child will see the benefits.


    Involvement opportunities for parents and family members benefit young children and the early childhood field because everyone is coming together, collaborating for the better.  When everyone works together, and gets involved, they create a community of people who are working towards a common goal. This goal may be increasing funding, or having a center carnival. Whatever it is, the more family involvement the better. Getting involved keeps families and staff bonded, and gives families insight on what is going on in their child’s education.


    Sunday, November 11, 2012

    -From your perspective, what is current public opinion in the United States with regard to the value and importance of providing quality services (including early care and education) for young children and families?
    I think that there has been a shift in the importance of early childhood education over the years. I think that little attention was given to field in the past and now it is becoming a contender in the education field. We are seeing more attention being focused on this field, and an awareness of the benefits of early childhood education. Although it seems like many people are in favor of the need for early childhood education, it still is a struggle to get the funding that is needed to expand and grow.
    I think we need to focus on how to expand early childhood education, but also focus on quality as well. I have been to way too many centers that are hiring workers that are not qualified for this job. And that is where many of the issues in this field arise.  It is going to be a struggle to get qualified workers in this field when the average pay is a little more than minimum wage.
    -What indicators and other information have influenced and are influencing your thinking?
    I have been influenced by visiting other centers. I have seen first hand, the improvements that need to be made in this field. I have also seen way to many news articles on the abuse and neglect of children who are being watched by babysitters, and people who are not qualified to work with children, especially in low income areas. Parents need to work, and it is sad that many of them in low income areas have no other options but to leave their children with people who are not credible. This needs to change, and hopefully sooner than later.

    Tuesday, October 30, 2012

    Why I want to advocate.

    I have always been out spoken. Even as a child I had a big mouth, and for the most part I used it for good (even if I was a little annoying).  When I was little we used to have dinner every Saturday at my grandparents’ house. This would include my entire family.  Now my mother and father did not smoke, but it seemed like all of my aunts and uncles did.  When I was about 8 or 9, I protested going to my grandparents for Saturday dinner. I told them that I could not breathe with the smoke in the house and that it was hurting my body. I even went as far as to make a sign and hang it on the front door.  It took a while, but I was persistent, and finally one day my grandmother said if you smoke you have to do it outside. This is when I realized how influential a voice could be.

    From that point on I always fought for what was right and just, even if it got me in trouble. I did this at school and in the work place, which eventually ended in me quitting a job of 8 years.  This was a sad moment in my life , but I was not going to work for a company who did not respect their employees.

    This year was an exciting one for me. I had a baby this year, and he has helped me realize the true meaning of life. With him came a new set of responsibilities and new passions. While I was pregnant with him I participated in our local Advocacy day. Making my rounds to government officials stressing the importance of quality early childhood education.  This was an exciting moment in my life, because I was doing something I had always dreamed of. I was at the state capitol and I was confessing my concerns to the people who have the power to change things.

    This field needs a voice, because we are speaking for those who cannot do so themselves. It is important that we get people involved in advocating for early childhood education, so we can better the lives of children who may not have the same advantages as other children. I think that as I gain knowledge in this field I can strengthen my advocacy skills, and become more confident.  I have the passion, and that is important when working in this field. If you are numb to the environment that surrounds you, you will not do anything to change it.  I try to be aware of everything, and I have learned that some people do not like that.  Where I worked before it seemed like everything was great if we just stayed quiet about certain situations. The minute I voiced my opinion, it was like it was too much of a hassle to fix things that were not working, so they just stayed the same.

    I am at the point in my life where I do not care if it is too much work, or too hard to do something that is right. I want to do the best I can to enhance the lives of the children I work with, and I will do that as long as I am able to.


    Sunday, October 28, 2012

    coming to an end.

    First off, it has been great getting to know everyone the last 8 weeks.  Doing these blog assignments allowed us to become a little more laid back and get more personal. It was nice reading about every ones experiences and stories. I wish everyone the best in the rest of their studies, and career. We are here to educated ourselves, so we can educate others, and make a difference. Good luck girls!


    Sunday, October 14, 2012

    One of my hardest good-bye moments was when I left my job. I had been at my job for 7 years. I started right out of high school and made many friends there. I worked my way up from a floater position, to the program coordinator and head preschool teacher. All of my early childhood education moments happened there, all of my experience was gained from this one place. These people guided me in my career. My boss became a very close friend and mentor. I was surrounded by women who were encouraging and powerful.  As the years passed I became one of them. I was helping the younger staff, teaching them and mentoring them.  Closing this chapter of my life and leaving this group of women was probably one of the hardest times in my life. But with the pain came joy and a new chapter in my life-motherhood. If I did not have my son, I would still be there working, growing and learning. But it was time for me to part ways, and take all my knowledge I gained from there and apply it to my own life.  And use this to further my career in the early childhood field. 


    When I left the center to go on maternity leave they threw me a baby shower. This was very special to me and everyone involved, because even though it was never said people knew I may not be coming back.  There was a sense of joy and also sadness from my coworkers.


    It is hard for me to say I will feel a sense of sadness when finishing up my Masters. I never really got a chance to connect with anyone in this program. Maybe I did not put myself out there enough. Or maybe it was because I stopped going to school when I was pregnant, so I lost contact with some of the girls I started the program with. Needless to say it will be hard to end this chapter in my life, because it has been a long time coming and I am ready to start a career.


    I think that adjourning is essential in teamwork because it provides an opportunity for closure. If you leave something without ending it, you feel a sense of emptiness.

    Sunday, September 30, 2012

      For this weeks assignment I had my Fiance Casey and a coworker of mine Sara, evaluate my communication.  In comparison some of the results were a little shocking and others were right. Casey evaluation of me was pretty similar to my own. He rated me high in anxiety, which is true. I have a lot of anxiety when it comes to public speaking and meeting new people. He was aware of this because I often discussed it with him. The results from Sara's evaluation of me was a lot different from Casey. She gave me a very low score for anxiety. I thought that I always seemed anxious at work if I had to talk to the staff at a meeting, but according to her I seemed relaxed. This is a good thing though, maybe I am not showing how nervous I really am,  that makes me feel better about public speaking. Next was the aggression assessment, I rated myself as having significant aggression when communicating. Casey gave me a pretty low score, I think he was being generous because I feel like I do take a lot out on him people I am always around him. Sara's results showed me having higher levels of aggression. I hope that I do not display an aggressive communication style while at work. I have learned from this that maybe I should be less passionate at work about certain topics, because that can be seen as aggressive. Lastly was the listening assessment, I was put in group one for this test. I have always considered myself a good listener so the results of this were not surprising to me. Casey and Sara results also showed that I was in group one. This made me feel good because I had always hoped that people thought I was a good listener, and it is good to see that the results hold true.

    Wednesday, September 19, 2012

    Think about the cultural diversity you see in your colleagues at school, in your neighborhood, in your workplace, and also, possibly, within your family. Consider all the aspects that make up culture, including race, religion, political affiliation, sexual orientation, varying abilities, and so on.
    • Do you find yourself communicating differently with people from different groups and cultures?
    • If yes, in what ways do you communicate differently?

    I have worked in childcare for a long time, and throughout that period I have interacted with many people from different cultures. Every time I have a family come to the center where I work that speak another language or do not speak English well, I get a little nervous. I think this nervousness comes from lack of experience, and just not knowing how to interact with people who do not speak English. I know this is something terrible to do but I always talk a little slower. I also use more gestures, because I assume that if they can not understand what I am saying at least if I pair it with a gestures help them figure it out.

    I had this child in my classroom last year that was from Russia, her father was fluent in English but the mother was not at all. The child spoke no English at all. I dreaded communicating with them everyday, because the mother usually picked up the child, and I had a hard time talking with her. My coworkers would make fun of me because my face always got bright red when talking to her. I could not understand her so I would try my best to interpret what she was saying, but it was very frustrating. Working in this field has defiantly given me more experience than most, but it still does not make me confident when communicating to individuals of a different group or culture. I hope that in the future as I gain more experience, I will become more comfortable.


    Sunday, September 16, 2012

    Real Housewives of New Jersey

    No Volume
    For this weeks assignment I watched the real housewives of New Jersey. I watched the show first with the sound off, then with the sound one.  I have never seen this show before and reruns were playing on bravo so I decided to give it a shot. Within the first few minutes of the show I could tell that there was drama. One of the characters was talking to the camera and she looked very irritated and was waving her hands around.  Then there was a fight, it was a physical fight between two men and more joined in and they seemed to be at a babies baptism. I could tell just through facial expression that some of the individuals on the show did not get along. Based on all of the nonverbal cues that I saw, I came to the conclusion that these people were very angry with each other. It seemed like they were all related and that this was a family feud. There was a lot of emotions involved and crying.
    Volume on
    I watched the episode with the sound on this time and learned that many of my predictions were right. I had a feeling that the characters on the show were related and I was right, they were a brother and sister. They brother was celebrating his sons baptism and he invited his sister and her husband even though there was some obvious tension. There was a fight over some issues they had in the past. The emotions showed in this video were pretty obvious without the sound. With the sound on I just got the little details that I missed filling me in n the content of the show.
    I have learned a lot this week when it comes to communication, especially nonverbal communication. I think I learned the most while observing my family rather then watching The Real Housewives of New Jersey. My "aha" moment was understanding how much you can gather from a conversation when just focusing on nonverbal cues. It really is amazing how much body language influences communication.

    Sunday, September 9, 2012

      For your blog this week, think of someone (e.g., family member, celebrity, politician, friend, or professor) who demonstrates competent communication within a particular context. What behaviors does this person exhibit that make him or her effective? Would you want to model some of your own communication behaviors after this person? Why or why not?

    I worked for a child care facility for a while and I had a boss there that had very effective communication skills. I could go into her office with a problem and she would turn the problem around into something positive that I was doing  in my classroom. She would make you forget that you were mad and mainly focus her conversation on how good of a job you were doing. Her form of communication was mostly praising her employees and putting a positive spin on things. This was effective with me for a while and then one day I realize none of my problems were being addressed properly or fixed. I actually got into a confrontation with my boss, to where she did not know how to act or respond to me, she could not take that I was being confrontational. Since then I have realized that being positive may have made her an effective communication, and kept me interested in what she was saying but after a while you see through those behaviors.